Posted on: 10/08/2014 15:46
In Yaroslavl Museum of Foreign Art opened the exhibition "Masterpieces of Salvador Dali." Businessman from Ekaterinburg Alexander Shadrin brought in Yaroslavl 79 originals Spanish surrealist art.

Posted on: 10/08/2014 15:37
08.08.2014 held an emergency meeting of the Yaroslavl Regional Public Organization "Yezidis". Diaspora representatives adopted an appeal to the President of Russia. They are outraged by genocide Yezidis and Christians in northern Iraq in an area Shangal.
Posted on: 21/07/2014 09:17
Happy July 18 Czech newspaper «Parlamentni Listy» published an article about the victim on the eve of the Malaysian Boeing, offering, in addition to articles, the online survey their readers with just one question: "Who shot down a civilian Boeing over Ukraine?"

Posted on: 08/07/2014 16:35
From 06/30/14 to 07/03/14 the IV Summer School on osteoporosis for rheumatologists and endocrinologists in Yaroslavl.

Posted on: 09/06/2014 10:08
The forum was held under the motto "Civic participation as a basis of development of the region." Worked seven sections. In the second day of the forum participants were organized tours in a number of public organizations on four routes.

Posted on: 03/06/2014 18:24
03.06.2014g Moscow hosted the first International Conference "Financing energy efficiency and renewable energy sources (RES). Practice of implementing energy service contracts
in Russia and the CIS. "
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