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Editorial material Eurasian Womens Forum in Russia and the Issue of Osteoporosis Prevention

Posted on: 17/10/2018 16:53

From September 19 to September 21, the Eurasian Womens Forum worked in St. Petersburg. This is an important platform for discussing the role of women in modern society and their health. It was attended by representatives of more than 110 countries.


Posted on: 15/10/2018 21:40

The osteoporosis awareness event will be held at the Public Library named after A.P. Chekhov on October ,11 at 3p.m. in Yaroslavl, Russia.

Editorial material Webinar on data center's efficiency

Posted on: 03/02/2016 18:48

Russia is a leading market for high-power data centers in Central and Eastern Europe, and therefore it is important to establish perfect operational processes for complex integrated systems of data centers.

Good "Looking foreigner"

Posted on: 28/01/2016 17:18

01.28.2016 of the Presidential Library in St. Petersburg, took stock of the VI International Photo Contest "Looking a foreigner." It was attended by beginners and experienced photographers from more than 150 settlements of Russia and 30 countries. In a court of competent jury, which was headed by Vladimir Medina, Minister of Culture of Russia, it was presented 4200 works.

Investors "Bakhchisaray" is waiting for you.

Posted on: 26/01/2016 14:48

01.26.2016g. Crimean authorities have discussed the project of creation of the industrial park "Bakhchisaray", which promotes the economic development of the region and attract foreign investors.

Editorial material Why do US presidential candidate came to the USSR.

Posted on: 19/01/2016 14:56

01.19.2016 at a meeting of the asset Yaroslavl Regional Public Organization "Society of Friendship" Russian - American Association "came Paul Sonne, a correspondent for« The Wall Street Journal ». On his own initiative he had come to talk about the US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders Democrat. It so happened that a member of the American presidential race in 2016, was in Yaroslavl in the Soviet years.

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