In Yaroslavl the working telephone «hot line» on questions of vaccination.

Topic: Press Releases
Author of publication: Viktoria Sotscova

Posted on: 16/04/2013 10:48

In Yaroslavlworks «hot telephone line» on issues of vaccination

22-27.04.2013will take place on the European immunization week under the motto: «Protect your world-dovaccination!».

in The last 20years in Russia was ignorant of the situation on immunization of the population. Sovietthe state promoted the prevention, i.e., vaccination, and the present -to drop everything to chance. As a result of such liberalization, many of the diseases outout of control and threaten national security.

What would somehowheld in the framework of the standards are periodically preventivethe shares. For example, from 22 to 27 April under the slogan: «Protect your worldвакцинируйтесь!», will take place on the European immunization week. Russia accededto this humanitarian project.

In the framework of thethe measures in the Yaroslavl region  will be heldthe conference «Results of realization of national and regional calendarspreventive inoculations, successes and problems of vaccination» with participation of MR.. Tatochenko,M.D., Professor of the National Center of health of children of the Russian Academy of medical Sciences Mr. Moscow.Also  will be organized  training workshops for medical staff, meetingand medical advice. Start handing out leaflets and booklets with information and visual agitation. Doctors promise,that individually talk to representatives of disadvantaged families, migrants,  representatives of national diasporas andpersons who refuse vaccination for religious reasons.

For the populationwork telephone «hot line» on issues of vaccination:8-800-100-10-76 (Mon-Fri: 9.00-17.30, break: from 12.00 to 13.00). 

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