In the Yaroslavl region disturbed criminals and abusers of children has increased.
Topic: Press Releases
Author of publication: Viktoria Sotscova
Posted on: 30/07/2013 11:33
In the Yaroslavl region disturbed criminals and abusers of children has increased.
30.07.2013g. Oleg Lipatov, the head of the Investigative Committees Russia by the Yaroslavl region, met with journalists to report on the work of the department for the half-year.
He noted that the number of sexual offenses against children and adolescents, theft in rural areas, increased street crime in Yaroslavl and the number of forensic psychiatric examinations.
The head of the regional sledkoma suggested that these trends are caused by social conditions in the community. Although over half of the number of crimes reported in the region amounted to 7,731, which is 12.4% lower compared to the same period in 2012. The total detection rate of 63.8%.
On the situation with the mayor of Yaroslavl Oleg Lipatov said that Yaroslavl experienced the frustration. Details of the case at this stage, he has no right to disclose, but made it clear that everything you saw in the media and on the Internet - the tip of the iceberg. There is an ongoing examination audiazapisey. Perhaps this will be the trump card of evidence. Think of a situation with the ex-mayor of Rybinsk Zdzvizhkou Eugene, who was at the center of a criminal case on bribery. On this occasion, Oleg Lipatov said that was all about technique, "If we had more advanced technology, there would be issues is not there." According to the mayor of Rybinsk, the Swallow, who is having problems with the law because of the abuse of power on the eve of the 2013 elections for mayor, he replied that he was not under the jurisdiction of the case, could not comment
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