XI All-Russian Exhibition genealogy in Bryansk

Topic: Press Releases
Author of publication: Press release

Posted on: 23/04/2013 10:06

XI All-Russian Exhibition genealogy under the auspices of Supreme Head of the Russian Imperial House, HIH Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna.

June 11, 2013 in Bryansk State United museum opens  XI All-Russian Exhibition genealogy. She is dedicated to the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Russian Romanov dynasty and the 200th anniversary of Russias victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. 

The organizers of the exhibition are the Revival Union Pedigree Traditions (SVRT), together with the Bryansk State United Museum. Will be attended by genealogists, researchers, historians from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Tula, near Moscow, Yaroslavl, Voronezh and other cities.

Previous All-Russia Exhibition were successfully held in Nizhny Novgorod (2005, 2009), Bryansk (2006), Kursk (2006), Yaroslavl (2007), Ekaterinburg (2007), Uglich (2008), Tula (2008), Voronezh (2010, 2012 ). Thematic Exhibition "Speak to the sources" were held in the State Duma of the Russian Federation (2006), Moscow (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013), Livny (2009), Gorodets (2011). Different in nature and content, they are invariably aroused the interest of the press, historians, genealogists, museum professionals and ordinary users are not indifferent to the family history.

The exhibition will feature:

• full family tree of the Romanov dynasty (exhibit 17m long), made in the form of a panorama;

· Streshnevs noble bloodlines, and tree Trubetskoys kinship nobles;

· Pedigrees folk heroes of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin;

· Genealogical tree of the heroes of the war in 1812: Ermolova, Dokhturov, Ostermann-Tolstoy, Gorchakov, Gratinskogo, Ripp, Seslavin, Shipilova, Ushakov, Panina, Leontiev, Davydova;

· Genealogies of famous people of Russia: Pushkin, Gogol, Suvorov, Tyutchev, etc.;

· Creative works that demonstrate different ways of registration of genealogical information;

· Examples of family trees, made in different techniques and programs.

Bryansk exhibition will also include: noble lineage Lichine, K.Konstantinova (rocketeer chief of the Russian Empire), M. Blanter (composer); I.Bibikova (1st deputy of the State Duma of the Bryansk district); poster "casualty lists in the Bryansk County War 1914 year. "

In the opening program:

· A press conference with the organizers of the exhibition;

· Consultation for the pedigrees;

· Tour escort;

· Sale of subject literature;

· Rewarding active participants.

The press conference at 12-00.

Opening of the exhibition at 13-00.

The exhibition will continue till 11.07.2013 year.

Open daily from 10.00 to 17.45. Closed on Mondays.

For accreditation to the Organising Committee:

· Project Manager SVRT Bibikov President Valery (Moscow): 8 (925) 367-25-95;

· Spokeswoman SVRT Striganova Julia (Moscow): strigan1@yandex.ru. 

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