Historic opportunity Crimean return their rights and freedoms
Topic: Palette ⇒ Capitalist realism and social. future
Author of publication: Stanislav M. Ivanov
Posted on: 12/03/2014 17:56
Historic opportunity Crimean return their rights and freedoms
After committed in February 2014 Western nationalist gangs coup in Kiev Crimeans were again faced with a dilemma : as soon as possible to restore their national identity and independence or finally become a vassal principality Lvov- Kiev Maidan ?
February 19, 2014 marks 60 years , ignoring all existing laws at the time of the USSR , Nikita Khrushchev gave its decision Crimean region of the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR . He was a stranger to the patriotic mood of the people of Sevastopol, Crimea all who piously honored the memory of the great Russian generals - Suvorov, Kutuzov , Ushakov and Nakhimov , Kornilov , heroes of the Great Patriotic War , defended in these battles , abundantly watered by Russian blood , land. Some historians attribute this sudden and arbitrary decisions of guilt syndrome heir Stalinist regime for tens of thousands of innocent victims on his initiative Ukrainians.
Since then , whoever came to power in Ukraine , all eager to continue the process of violent Ukrainianization and plunder this land of plenty . In Soviet times, the emphasis was on the plantation of bilingualism ( there were signs, paperwork in Ukrainian language ) towards immigrants , the party- economic and other personnel of the state apparatus from Ukraine to Crimea, the Black Sea coast development Kiev elite , building houses, residences , industries to the detriment of the environment. It went so far that the seismic zone have begun to build a nuclear power plant, built a factory on the peninsula of titanium dioxide , a few dozen chemical plants , asbestos and cement plants .
With the collapse of the USSR broke new battle Ukrainian officials and organized crime groups for land and real estate in Crimea . Primarily privatized motels , boarding houses on the southern coast of Crimea , then food and processing industry. Many objects were looted several times passed from hand to hand, in many lawsuits stretched for years , much of it was used for other purposes. To enlist loyalty to the new authorities by formally rehabilitated and returned to their ancestral homeland of the Crimean Tatar population , Kiev tacitly encouraged squatting land around the Crimea. As if this was compensated by the lack of real assistance programs by the authorities twice a displaced people , who in 1944 took away the land, and all movable and immovable property .
The region has experienced invasion governors almost all post-Soviet leaders of Ukraine : Kravchuk , Kuchma , Yushchenko , Yanukovych. Along with their relatives and appointees - first persons arriving from other parts of the higher ranks of the Interior Ministry , Security Service , prosecutors , courts and other authorities . Been here Kiev , Lviv , Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava and other clans. Recently wielded so-called " Macedonians " ( natives of Makeyevka and Donetsk ) . Local elites have taken it for granted and just trying to find its niche in the process of personal enrichment at the expense of the population of Crimea. Standard of living in the region was much lower than in Kiev and Ukraines average . Population accustomed to running and crumbling infrastructure , constant shortages of water , electricity, gas. Relatively short holiday season , high cost , lack of sanitation on the beaches of taxes to the state budget , the inability to compete in this industry with Turkey , Bulgaria, Greece and other countries are not allowed to properly develop the tourism industry. It was during this period of violent ukrainization Crimean population reached its peak : in droves closed Russian schools, cultural institutions , the Russian language in eradicating paperwork , in the local media , Russian discriminated against in employment , admission to universities , etc. Nothing was done for the development of the Crimean Tatar culture. The most active nationalists came from the western regions of Ukraine and tried to block the work of the Russian military facilities , the Consulate General , made ??other anti-Russian and anti-Russian actions and provocations .
The forcible removal from power of President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych , attempts to seize administrative buildings in the regions and the first application of the new government on the abolition of the status of Russian as a language of regional communication provoked the clashes with the invaders of the population in the south- eastern regions of Ukraine . In this situation, the population of Crimea had no choice but to delegate full authority to their elected representatives , to create a self-defense forces and seek help from the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin . Thanks consensus reached various political forces and ethnic groups in the Crimea and efficiency taken in Simferopol, Sevastopol and Moscow managed to avoid making large-scale provocations , bloodshed and prevent the infiltration of the peninsula " maydanovskih assault ." Subsequent decision of the Supreme Council of Crimea on all-Crimean referendum on future status of the region March 30, 2014 was historic. Peoples of Crimea have a unique opportunity to choose their future path of development.
It seems that the only possible way to protect the people of Crimea from new attacks from outside and gross interference in their internal affairs can only be full independence of the region . Thats the way it should put the question to the people : if you want to live in a free and independent Crimea or continue to be in the position of vassals in Ukraine? Any other version of the future status of Crimea (autonomy , subject of the federation , a confederation with Ukraine) hardly meets the interests of the majority of citizens of Crimea and can not be practiced in the foreseeable future . Kiev is quite expected reaction to the outcome of the referendum on possible autonomy or status of federal subject of Crimea. The new government will just ignore this event , citing the provisions of the current constitution, and will continue the policy of accelerated assimilation of the Crimean peoples. Unfortunately , the actions of militants Maidan found its support in the West. There were quick to recognize the new government and launched vigorous advocacy campaign against Russia and "separatists" South-Eastern Ukraine . Why Messrs. European Democrats ignore the massive violations of the constitution and the rights of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine , forget that, along with the principle of territorial integrity of states , there is another equally important principle of international law and the postwar order in Europe : the right of nations to self-determination . Here are just and manifest double standards : the disintegration of Yugoslavia , referendums on independence for Scotland , Catalonia - it is legal and the referendum in the Crimea - a violation of the law.
It seems that in the Crimea all understand it and coming up in March 2014 referendum question will be placed on the entry of the Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as the subjects of the federation in Russia or return to an expanded autonomy within Ukraine. Rightly , that the citizens of Crimea to determine your own fate.
In Crimea there is a huge potential and all the necessary prerequisites to ensure that in a relatively short time to restore its health resort and tourist complexes , traditional crafts and agriculture ( viticulture, wine , horticulture , animal husbandry , animal husbandry, the perfume industry) , air and sea ports , boating, fishing , fish processing and ship repair industry, together with Russia to restore the rail and road bridges across the Kerch Strait and make other large-scale , mutually beneficial projects . It remains only to preserve vnutrikrymskoe unity among major groups ( Russian , Ukrainians , Crimean Tatars ) and March 30, 2014 to make their historic choice in favor of a single , independent, prosperous Crimean State ( Republic of Crimea ) . We must remember the lessons of history , when the end of the 18th century, the ancestors of the Crimean Tatars live in peace and friendship with the Russian and Ukrainians on the Crimean peninsula and worked together for the benefit of their families.
Stanislav Ivanov , Senior Researcher, Center for International Security IMEMO , Ph.D.
About the Author:
Ivanov Stanislav Mikhailovich was born in Simferopol, Crimean region, RSFSR, USSR, graduated from the Suvorov Military School , graduated general and higher education in the military VVUZe USSR. In 1964-2000 years. staff officer , was on military- diplomatic work in Sudan, Iraq , Uganda, Turkmenistan , Georgia. He speaks Arabic and English. In 2000-2009, . - The staff of the State Duma , the Federation Council and the Security Council of the Russian Federation .
On June 1, 2009 - Senior Research Fellow, Center for International Security at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations , in combination - to June 1, 2012 - Senior Researcher, Institute of Oriental Studies , Expert Scientific Council of the Security Council of the Russian Federation .
Research topics : regional and internal conflicts (political , ethnic , sectarian ) , the prospects for their resolution , peacekeeping, countering extremism , terrorism , countries in the Middle East , South and Central Asia, the Caucasus and the North Kavkaze.Tema Ph.D. thesis: " The international dimension of the problem of self-determination of Iraqi Kurdistan ."
Awarded the Order "For Military Merit " medal " For merits in strengthening international security ", " Merit in national security ", "For strengthening of fighting commonwealth " Medal of the Security Council of the Russian Federation , other government awards of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Retired colonel, State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class.
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