First National Assembly " HUS- 2024 "

Topic: PaletteHome and Family
Author of publication: RIA "National Alliance"

Posted on: 24/11/2013 12:10

First National Assembly " HUS- 2024 "

First National Assembly " HUS- 2024 " was held from 23/11/13 to 11/24/13 in Yaroslavl. The purpose of the event - to create a platform to discuss their problems and find solutions to attract investors in the housing sector , the search for possibilities of modernizing sector.

To the assembly brought together experts and specialists , deputies and businessmen, officials and public figures . Format Assembly consisted of sections of "Power" , "Business" , "Company" , "Innovation" . In the lobby was an exhibition "Innovations in the field of housing and construction: people , projects and technologies." There were booths with the latest energy-saving technologies and information . Activities presented some management companies from Tula , Karelia and others . Among them Yaroslavl found the company " Alfa Group " glorified complaints on quality of service and creating a system by which outsourcing , in fact, no one would not be liable to the consumer - residents for services rendered. Maybe this was their "innovation" ?

Of particular importance in this forum attached to the role of youth in the reformatting of Housing and Construction . Assembly organizers believe that graduates of universities and technical personnel will fill a niche in this field. Involuntarily thought creeps in that case in the social aspect : youth have nowhere to work in the field - tight in high-tech industries are not built and factories . No drive in the economy. And children need to work somewhere . It turns out that, except in the housing and nowhere. Especially since this money niche , and payment for services is often perceived as a tribute .

Sergei Belokonev , head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs ( Rosmolodezh ) , talked about the project training " All houses " : is the involvement of young people, raise the prestige of occupations in the construction industry and housing . Sergei Belokonev calls this work a social elevator . It is possible that it will be sometime in the distant future. But now it is hard to believe.

In the section " Power " was made by Anatoly Vershinin from the Chelyabinsk region . He spoke about the experience of social control in the housing sector - project "Communal ombudsman ." According to him , service providers to adapt to current conditions , taking into account only their interest . In occupants see serfs. When the initiative began his public work, then came to him " clarify " the relationship strong guys . Affect social activists force option failed. Now the second phase of the struggle for influence in this area : on the field trial . The project "Communal Ombudsman " is a tool to address owners. " Around us were grouped public figures , approximately fifty people , - said Anatoly Vershinin . - Turn to us with complaints , and we go to any area municipality . Also holding free seminars . When people are united , it is easier to fight . "

These , if not pohlesche communal passion for spheres of influence and are heated in the Yaroslavl region . On tensions in the relationship of owners of residential and non-residential premises , imperfect laws in this niche legal expert told Ruslan Udalova : " The inhabitants of the house and in the house entrepreneurs have different goals . One must live , the other - to extract profit from the real estate price of home safety . Legislation in this area requires major adjustments . " This is key , according to the expert , needs to be controlled by the state. In case of conflict of interest , often businessmen use all resources - from administrative to criminal . In the case of the collapse of Yaroslavl memorial entrance, death of a person under the ruins . This happened because the businessman , the owner of non-residential premises , willfully deepened basement apartments and tenants bags sent to all instances complaints with fears for the safety of the house , in which , judging by the collapse of the entrance, and law enforcement officials , not really delved into .

At present there are no standards by which service organizations are required to do their job . No rules that were previously , the number of janitors , for example, plumbers or to this or that number of homes or people living in them . Communal business wants small means big profits - not hires professionals pulls in three skins with rab.sily hired .

Head of the Ministry of Construction and Housing , Mikhail Men reported that the department has a lot of developments experts for making significant legislative changes that probably they will determine the end of this year. "There is a lot of discussion on what basis to monitor the quality of service organizations - on the principle of SROs ( self-regulatory organizations) or licensing , - says Mikhail Men . - AMC - nice and modern , but a lot of questions . Licensing is an old proven format has its pros and cons, but will be more effective in terms of control. Maybe the time will come and we will return to the CPO . "

Another problem - this utility defaults . According to the minister , 94 % of citizens pay on time , and 6% are malicious defaulters . Because of them, the budget loses more than 100 billion rubles . per year. This is one -fifth of investment that could be directed into the industry. Moreover , pensioners most responsible payers , rather than paying the representatives of so-called middle class for investment property . More important problems : attracting innovation on energy saving technologies and investments, depreciation of networks , lack of personnel . "Now we make a" roadmap " to address these issues - said Mikhail Men . - A system of GHI bills with the Ministry of Communications . Need to synchronize regional portals without this openness in the work is difficult to provide . "

I must say that the vast majority considers that the CPO has not proved in construction. Well, yes , our gathered their like "control" each other, but because the main goal of every member of the AMC - is profit at any cost. For this they might as well close your eyes to the " tricks " colleagues . Therefore, in housing , this system only works for the benefit of irresponsible business. Remains licensing. This powerful administrative arm . Well , as someone decides to use administrative ties in the redistribution of the market or raiding ? Thats it , that no matter where you throw everywhere wedge ...

Needless to say , the situation in the housing as a minefield where not entered - all "mine" , ie the problem . Nevertheless , the Assembly has inspired many. Made importantly - new agency voiced priorities. Now the period of trust. Minister heard the voice of the people , willing to rectify the situation in the housing problems of provincial cities know from previous work firsthand. Active public figures willing to help restore order in the housing . As a result, the interest of all .

Victoria Sotskova

RIA "National Alliance" 

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